
BR 1-10:The Magic Gifts

I read "The Magic gifts" The story is a folk tale from Korea. Long ago, a man called Chang lived with his three sons who are Yong, Chin and Ying. Chang was very old and very rich. He said “When I die, I want you to share my fortune equally. You must live together happily." Not long after, Chang died and the brothers shared out his fortune. Yong and Ying each took a big share of the fortune. Chin was left with a tiny bag of silver coins. Chin spent his days with the poor villagers. He used his money to help them. He never spent a penny on himself. Meanwhile, Chin's brothers used their share of the fortune to make even more money. They spent every single penny on themselves. One day, Ying and Yong saw a man dressed in rags. It was Chin. He had given away all his money and was the poorest man in the village. He left the village. At last, he came to a wide stream. Behind him stood and old monk. The monk said "I'm on my way back to my temple, but I can't get across the stream." Chin was tired, but he was happy to help. Chin carefully waded through the rushing water. The monk and his bundle were heavier than they looked. After a long walk, Chin and the monk arrived at a lonely, deserted temple. Chin spent the next few months to help him. One day, the monk noticed Chin looking sad. The monk said “You must return. I'll be alright on my own." the monk handed Chin an old straw mat, a wooden spoon and a pair of chopsticks. Chin walked all day. He thought he spent the night in this forest. He spread out the straw mat and lay down on top. It was thin and worn, but Chin soon fell asleep. When Chin woke up, he couldn't believe his eyes. The forest had disappeared and he was lying in a big bed in a beautiful room. He suddenly became rich. Ying and Yong saw Chin's castle. They were amazed. Chin told them all about the monk and the magic gifts. They thought may if they were poor, the monk would give us magic gifts. They gave away their all fortune. When the brothers arrived at the temple, there was no sign of the monk. They waited all day, but the old man never appeared. Finally, the brothers gave up. They trudged back to the village, tired and penniless. Chin welcomed Ying and Yong into his home and shared his fortune with them. At last, the three brothers lived happily together.
I was happy because they lived happily together. It was just as their father had wanted. Chin was very kind man.

Sims, L. (2009). The Magic Gifts. London: Usborne.

(474 words)

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