I read "Thumbelina". Thumbelina is pretty and kind and as tiny as your thumb. Flowers tower above her and birds can carry her on their backs. When she is abandoned in the outside world, she faces some very big adventures indeed.
Once, there was a woman who wanted a child. At last, she went to a fairy for help. The fairy gave her a magic seed. Then the seed grew into a beautiful red-gold flower. The petals of the flower began to open. Inside was a tiny girl. One night, alarge lumpy toad crept thorough the open window. She snatched Thumbelina as she slept. After that, a big brown beetle swooped down and grabbed her in his claws. The beetle dropped her in a field. For tiny Thumbelina, the field was like a forest. There she lived, all summer. Then winter came. A field mouse took Thumbelina back to her snug little home. Thumbelina went with him down a dark tunnel. In the middle of the tunnel lay a bird. Each night, Thumbelina brought him water and seeds from the field mouse's store. By springtime, when the sun warmed the earth, the swallow was well again. She climbed on his back. They flew high. At last, they came to a blue lake. A dazzling white palace stood on its sunny shore. The swallow set Thumbelina down in a large white flower. A tiny man stood in the flower. He asked "Will you stay with me and be queen of the flowers?" Thumbelina said yes.
This story is happy end. I was happy because thumbelina married prince.
Christian, H. (2008). Thumbelina. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(271 words)
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