
BR 1-09:The Boy Who Cried Wolf

I read "The Boy who cried Wolf". This story is about Sam, some sheep, the villagers and a wolf. Sam lived in a little village in the mountains. Sam was lonely and he was so bored. One day, he had an idea. He ran down the hill to the village. "A wolf!" he shouted. Everyone ran up the hill with him. Of course, there was no wolf. The villagers were angry, but Sam just laughed. A few days later, a wolf did come out of the forest. Sam was terrified. He ran down to the village as fast as he could. Nobody believed him. In the end, Sam had to go back up the hill all alone.The wolf had killed some of the sheep. Sam said " I've learned my lesson. Never again."
This story is interesting but I think we should not tell a lie. The moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf is no one believes liars even when they tell the truth.

Mairi, M. (2008). The Boy who cried Wolf. America: Usborne.

(176 words)

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