Welcome to my Portfolios page!
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Date: 2011.01.10
Date: 2011.01.10
This is my Protofolios. I wrote a lot of words. It is hard for me to write the blog. I want you to notice how I did my best. Please look at my Portfolios page.
0.0. Proto-Portfolios
Reflections on Proto-Portfolios
I wrote a lot of words in 1st semester but I didn't post graphics, links, media and so on. I want to post them in 2nd semester.2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio
There are two tables which are about Essay Showcase and Book Review Showcase. You can see short titles, dates, words and so on.
2.1. Essay Showcase
Best Essay
My best Essay is "Essay 2-03b: My University Life, because I could write what I want to say. I wrote about my university life such as studying English, my friends, the equipment and so on. I want you to know about my university life. Also I wrote a lot of words in Essay. I could know expressions which I didn't know. So I chose it.Essays 2-03b: My University Life
Overall Essay Developments
It is important for me to make mind maps and outlines. They help me to write essays. So I could write long sentences in English. And I could write my essays smoothly.
2.2. Book Review Showcase
Best Book Review
My best book review is "BR 2-18: China", because it is easy to read it. Also, I could write about China and my opinions.BR 2-18: China
Overall Book Review Developments
I read 18 books in 2nd semester. So my reading speed became faster than before. I think that I improved my skill of reading. Also, it is important to write my opinions. I could know a lot of expressions so I became enrich my vocabulary.
2.3. Additional Highlights and Reflections
Thanks to my blog, I made progress in English. This year, I wrote daily life, essays and book reviews. It is hard for me to write them. But I did my best. If I had a chance, I want to post my blog more.1.0. 1st Semester Portfolio
There are two tables which are Essay Showcase and Book Review Showcase. They show short titles, dates and so on.1.1. Essay Showcase
Best Essay
My dest Essay is "Essay 1-02a: Cheesecake. I chose the essay because there are two reasons. The first reason is that I like cheesecake and I could explain about cheesecake. The second reason is that there are 3 links in the essay so it is easy to understand.Essay 1-02a: Cheesecake
Overall Essay Developments
At first, I didn't like to write essays but Mind map and outline help me to write Essays. So I could write Essays. I think the most important thing is to write a lot in English.1.2. Book Review Showcase
Best Book Review
My best book review is "The Hare and the Tortoise". The first reason is that I like this story and I often read the story when I was a child. Also, I don't like to read books but it is easy for me to read the book. So I chose the book review.BR 1-04: The Hare and the Tortoise
Overall Book Review Developments
I read 15 books. At first it is difficult for me to write book reviews. So I wrote only the story. I want to write a lot of my comment.2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio