I read "The Magic gifts" The story is a folk tale from Korea. Long ago, a man called Chang lived with his three sons who are Yong, Chin and Ying. Chang was very old and very rich. He said “When I die, I want you to share my fortune equally. You must live together happily." Not long after, Chang died and the brothers shared out his fortune. Yong and Ying each took a big share of the fortune. Chin was left with a tiny bag of silver coins. Chin spent his days with the poor villagers. He used his money to help them. He never spent a penny on himself. Meanwhile, Chin's brothers used their share of the fortune to make even more money. They spent every single penny on themselves. One day, Ying and Yong saw a man dressed in rags. It was Chin. He had given away all his money and was the poorest man in the village. He left the village. At last, he came to a wide stream. Behind him stood and old monk. The monk said "I'm on my way back to my temple, but I can't get across the stream." Chin was tired, but he was happy to help. Chin carefully waded through the rushing water. The monk and his bundle were heavier than they looked. After a long walk, Chin and the monk arrived at a lonely, deserted temple. Chin spent the next few months to help him. One day, the monk noticed Chin looking sad. The monk said “You must return. I'll be alright on my own." the monk handed Chin an old straw mat, a wooden spoon and a pair of chopsticks. Chin walked all day. He thought he spent the night in this forest. He spread out the straw mat and lay down on top. It was thin and worn, but Chin soon fell asleep. When Chin woke up, he couldn't believe his eyes. The forest had disappeared and he was lying in a big bed in a beautiful room. He suddenly became rich. Ying and Yong saw Chin's castle. They were amazed. Chin told them all about the monk and the magic gifts. They thought may if they were poor, the monk would give us magic gifts. They gave away their all fortune. When the brothers arrived at the temple, there was no sign of the monk. They waited all day, but the old man never appeared. Finally, the brothers gave up. They trudged back to the village, tired and penniless. Chin welcomed Ying and Yong into his home and shared his fortune with them. At last, the three brothers lived happily together.
I was happy because they lived happily together. It was just as their father had wanted. Chin was very kind man.
Sims, L. (2009). The Magic Gifts. London: Usborne.
(474 words)
I went to Joyfull with Remi, Izumi, Natsumi, Misaki and Chiaki. They are my high school friends. I haven't seen them for a long time. We had a lunch and talked about a lot of things. For example, girls talk and good high school's memories. It is interesting for me to listen to their talk. Their advice is helpful to me. After that, we went to Farmy Hormy. A lot of things are sold at the shop. For example, clothes, stationeries and kitchen utensils. The shop is near Joyfull. We enjoyed shopping. I had a good time.
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(97 words)
Satoko's birthday
Yesterday is Satoko's birthday party. I went to eat dinner after 5th period with Satoko, Kinchan, Kana, Chinami, Ryouko, Aya and Saya. We ate ebichiri, pizza and cake and drank alcohol. We talked a lot of things. For example, girls talk. I had a good time. I want to go again.
(51 words)
(51 words)
Foreign countries
I have never been to foreign countries. I want to go to Korea. Korea is near Japan. If I could go to Korea, I want to go shopping. I can buy a lot of clothes cheaper than Japan. Next, I want to eat Korean food. There are a lot of korean foods which I have never eaten. I especially want to eat purukogi. Korean food is famous for yakiniku. I can not speak the Korean language. I want to go Korea after I study the Korean language.
(87 words)
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BR 1-09:The Boy Who Cried Wolf
I read "The Boy who cried Wolf". This story is about Sam, some sheep, the villagers and a wolf. Sam lived in a little village in the mountains. Sam was lonely and he was so bored. One day, he had an idea. He ran down the hill to the village. "A wolf!" he shouted. Everyone ran up the hill with him. Of course, there was no wolf. The villagers were angry, but Sam just laughed. A few days later, a wolf did come out of the forest. Sam was terrified. He ran down to the village as fast as he could. Nobody believed him. In the end, Sam had to go back up the hill all alone.The wolf had killed some of the sheep. Sam said " I've learned my lesson. Never again."
This story is interesting but I think we should not tell a lie. The moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf is no one believes liars even when they tell the truth.
Mairi, M. (2008). The Boy who cried Wolf. America: Usborne.
(176 words)
This story is interesting but I think we should not tell a lie. The moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf is no one believes liars even when they tell the truth.
Mairi, M. (2008). The Boy who cried Wolf. America: Usborne.
(176 words)

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BR 1-08: The Billy Goats Gruff
I read "the billy goats gruff". once upon a time, three billy goats lived on a farm in the shadow of a mountain.they were brothers and their last name was Gruff.beanie was the youngest.Bertie was the middle brother.Biffer was the oldest. one winter, there was very little food on the farm. Biffer said "i think it's time we made a move." they decide to go to the juicy fields beyond the hills. At last, the Billy Goats Gruff were ready to set off. They went into the forest. Bertie had lost Beanie in the mist and he didn't know which way to go. Beanie had been luckier. He had found the path that ran straight through the forest. He headed to the river. The only way to cross the Rushing River was over a little wooden bridge. As he reached the middle of the river, a large and green hand smashed through the wooden planks and grabbed Beanie's leg. Shaking with fear, Beanie wobbled off the bridge and went to hide in some bushes. Bertie arrived soon after. He can't go over the river too. At last, Biffer came out of the forest.Beanie and Bertie leaped out of the bushed, waving their hooves wildly. It was too late. Biffer was already crossing. By this time, the troll was starving. Biffer lowered his head and caught the troll on his horns. He bounced the troll into the air. Then, with a toss of his head, Biffer whacked him into the Rushing River. The troll sank under the water and was never seen again.Beanie and Bertie couldn't believe it. Just then, a stream of animals came out of the forest. In a large crowd, they skipped across the bridge.
This story is interesting. I felt quite relieved because they can go to the juicy field. Biffer is a strong animal.
Davidson, S. (2004). The Billy Goats Gruff. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd
(317 words)
This story is interesting. I felt quite relieved because they can go to the juicy field. Biffer is a strong animal.
Davidson, S. (2004). The Billy Goats Gruff. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd
(317 words)
Essay 1-02b:Cheesecake
My favorite cake is cheesecake. The cheesecake is very good so I want to make it. I am going to tell you how to make the cheese cake.
Ingredients are cream cheese, sugar, whole eggs, lemon juice, milk and cake flour. You need to sift flour before you start to make it.First, you put cream cheese in a bowl. Add sugar and cream together. Next, stir in beaten eggs, a little at a time, and blend well. Mix in lemon juice and milk, in that order. Add sifted flour and blend well. Transfer the batter into pound loaf mold. The size is 11 cm×8 cm pound loaf mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 25 minutes. It depends on the size of the molds. When the surface browns, cover with foil and continue baking. You can make it about 60 minutes.
There are many kind of cheesecakes. For example, baked cheesecake, gelatin cheesecake and soufflé cheesecake. Baked cheesecake is the most popular all over the world. The taste of baked cheesecake is rich. You use eggs and milk besides the cheese.You use gelatin to make the gelatin cheesecake. You don’t need to bake the cake in an oven, but you have to cool it in the refrigerator.The soufflé cheesecake is a steamed cake. Its sense of touch is soft. If you want to make it well, you should firmly beat the albumen.
The origin of the cheesecake is ancient Greece. Athletes were eating the cheesecake during the period of the first ancient Olympic Games. The Roman made the cheesecake of Greece known to Europe. But its taste was different from a present cheesecake.
I could know about cheesecake more. Cheesecake has a long history. I didn't know the origin of the cheesecake. It is difficult to make it. I have never make it so I will try to make it.
NISHINADAVID Co.,Ltd, . (). CakePia. Baked Cheesecake. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.cakepia.info/cooking/search/detail_e.html?LM_ID=821.
Kraft Foods Japan - All rights reserved, . (). philadelphia. Baked Cheesecake. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.kraftjapan.jp/kraftjapan/page?siteid=kraftjapan-prd&locale=jpja1&PagecRef=593.
Oisix Inc. All rights reserved, . (). ocasix. Cheesecake exhibition. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.oisix.com/okasix.page.tokushuu-05CheesecakehakuMame01_html.htm#rekishicheese.
Chikako ...
I can know well how to make cheese cake! What is your favorite cake? And I want to know about the cheese cake which is a band.hahaha
My favorite cake is cheesecake. Let's make it together.
Asaki ...
Ohhh... cheesecake!! I also love it :) Can you make it??I know the easiest way to cook, just mix and bake so why don't you try it??^^
I can't make it so I will try it. Please make it me.
chika ...
Hi! Mizuho. I also like it. I like soufflé cheesecake. I often buy it at cakeshop. Your essay is very informative and a lucid explanation, so I will try to make it!
I also like souffle cheesecake. I want to eat it.
taku ...
I love it too!!!I like cakes, and especially I like chocolate cake.Do you like chocolate??
I like all cakes so I also like chocolate cake.
Asuka ...
I like cheesecake very much!What's your favorite cheesecake?
My favorite cheesecake is baked cheesecake.
sayaka ...
I like it too! And I often make a cake. But I have never made cheesecake. Please make it me!
I like cheesecake but I have never made it.
mie ...
I like cakes too. My favorite cake is chocolate cake! Shall we go cake viking?
I want to go cake viking. Let's go together.
Yuya ...
I like it too! But my favorite cake is chocolate cake. I have never made cakes yet. I want to try to make it.
I also want to try to make it.
chi-chan ...
Hi, Mizuho. I also like it! I haven't ever made it. Can I make it by myself? Is it difficult to make it?
I can't make it by myself. It is difficult for me to make cheesecake. I want to make it by myself.
(633 words)
Ingredients are cream cheese, sugar, whole eggs, lemon juice, milk and cake flour. You need to sift flour before you start to make it.First, you put cream cheese in a bowl. Add sugar and cream together. Next, stir in beaten eggs, a little at a time, and blend well. Mix in lemon juice and milk, in that order. Add sifted flour and blend well. Transfer the batter into pound loaf mold. The size is 11 cm×8 cm pound loaf mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 25 minutes. It depends on the size of the molds. When the surface browns, cover with foil and continue baking. You can make it about 60 minutes.
There are many kind of cheesecakes. For example, baked cheesecake, gelatin cheesecake and soufflé cheesecake. Baked cheesecake is the most popular all over the world. The taste of baked cheesecake is rich. You use eggs and milk besides the cheese.You use gelatin to make the gelatin cheesecake. You don’t need to bake the cake in an oven, but you have to cool it in the refrigerator.The soufflé cheesecake is a steamed cake. Its sense of touch is soft. If you want to make it well, you should firmly beat the albumen.
The origin of the cheesecake is ancient Greece. Athletes were eating the cheesecake during the period of the first ancient Olympic Games. The Roman made the cheesecake of Greece known to Europe. But its taste was different from a present cheesecake.
I could know about cheesecake more. Cheesecake has a long history. I didn't know the origin of the cheesecake. It is difficult to make it. I have never make it so I will try to make it.
NISHINADAVID Co.,Ltd, . (). CakePia. Baked Cheesecake. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.cakepia.info/cooking/search/detail_e.html?LM_ID=821.
Kraft Foods Japan - All rights reserved, . (). philadelphia. Baked Cheesecake. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.kraftjapan.jp/kraftjapan/page?siteid=kraftjapan-prd&locale=jpja1&PagecRef=593.
Oisix Inc. All rights reserved, . (). ocasix. Cheesecake exhibition. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.oisix.com/okasix.page.tokushuu-05CheesecakehakuMame01_html.htm#rekishicheese.
Chikako ...
I can know well how to make cheese cake! What is your favorite cake? And I want to know about the cheese cake which is a band.hahaha
My favorite cake is cheesecake. Let's make it together.
Asaki ...
Ohhh... cheesecake!! I also love it :) Can you make it??I know the easiest way to cook, just mix and bake so why don't you try it??^^
I can't make it so I will try it. Please make it me.
chika ...
Hi! Mizuho. I also like it. I like soufflé cheesecake. I often buy it at cakeshop. Your essay is very informative and a lucid explanation, so I will try to make it!
I also like souffle cheesecake. I want to eat it.
taku ...
I love it too!!!I like cakes, and especially I like chocolate cake.Do you like chocolate??
I like all cakes so I also like chocolate cake.
Asuka ...
I like cheesecake very much!What's your favorite cheesecake?
My favorite cheesecake is baked cheesecake.
sayaka ...
I like it too! And I often make a cake. But I have never made cheesecake. Please make it me!
I like cheesecake but I have never made it.
mie ...
I like cakes too. My favorite cake is chocolate cake! Shall we go cake viking?
I want to go cake viking. Let's go together.
Yuya ...
I like it too! But my favorite cake is chocolate cake. I have never made cakes yet. I want to try to make it.
I also want to try to make it.
chi-chan ...
Hi, Mizuho. I also like it! I haven't ever made it. Can I make it by myself? Is it difficult to make it?
I can't make it by myself. It is difficult for me to make cheesecake. I want to make it by myself.
(633 words)
My other classes
I have a lot of other classes. The hardest class is the constitution of Japan. I have to write a paper. I am not interested in the constitution of Japan so I always sleep during the class. I have class from first period so I have to get up early. It is difficult for me to get up early. I am very tired. The most interesting class is an introduction to English literature. The other day I watched Romeo and Juliet. It is very interesting.
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Essay 1-02a:Cheesecake
My favorite cake is cheesecake. The cheesecake is very good so I want to make it. I am going to tell you how to make the cheese cake.
Ingredients are cream cheese, sugar, whole eggs, lemon juice, milk and cake flour. You need to sift flour before you start to make it.
Ingredients are cream cheese, sugar, whole eggs, lemon juice, milk and cake flour. You need to sift flour before you start to make it.
First, you put cream cheese in a bowl. Add sugar and cream together. Next, stir in beaten eggs, a little at a time, and blend well. Mix in lemon juice and milk, in that order. Add sifted flour and blend well. Transfer the batter into pound loaf mold. The size is 11 cm×8 cm pound loaf mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 25 minutes. It depends on the size of the molds. When the surface browns, cover with foil and continue baking. You can make it about 60 minutes.
There are many kind of cheesecakes. For example, baked cheesecake, gelatin cheesecake and soufflé cheesecake. Baked cheesecake is the most popular all over the world. The taste of baked cheesecake is rich. You use eggs and milk besides the cheese.
You use gelatin to make the gelatin cheesecake. You don’t need to bake the cake in an oven, but you have to cool it in the refrigerator.
The soufflé cheesecake is a steamed cake. Its sense of touch is soft. If you want to make it well, you should firmly beat the albumen.
You use gelatin to make the gelatin cheesecake. You don’t need to bake the cake in an oven, but you have to cool it in the refrigerator.
The soufflé cheesecake is a steamed cake. Its sense of touch is soft. If you want to make it well, you should firmly beat the albumen.
The origin of the cheesecake is ancient Greece. Athletes were eating the cheesecake during the period of the first ancient Olympic Games. The Roman made the cheesecake of Greece known to Europe. But its taste was different from a present cheesecake.
NISHINADAVID Co.,Ltd, . (). CakePia. Baked Cheesecake. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.cakepia.info/cooking/search/detail_e.html?LM_ID=821.
Kraft Foods Japan - All rights reserved, . (). philadelphia. Baked Cheesecake. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.kraftjapan.jp/kraftjapan/page?siteid=kraftjapan-prd&locale=jpja1&PagecRef=593.
Oisix Inc. All rights reserved, . (). ocasix. Cheesecake exhibition. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.oisix.com/okasix.page.tokushuu-05CheesecakehakuMame01_html.htm#rekishicheese.
(327 words)
BR 1-07:Thumbelina
I read "Thumbelina". Thumbelina is pretty and kind and as tiny as your thumb. Flowers tower above her and birds can carry her on their backs. When she is abandoned in the outside world, she faces some very big adventures indeed.
Once, there was a woman who wanted a child. At last, she went to a fairy for help. The fairy gave her a magic seed. Then the seed grew into a beautiful red-gold flower. The petals of the flower began to open. Inside was a tiny girl. One night, alarge lumpy toad crept thorough the open window. She snatched Thumbelina as she slept. After that, a big brown beetle swooped down and grabbed her in his claws. The beetle dropped her in a field. For tiny Thumbelina, the field was like a forest. There she lived, all summer. Then winter came. A field mouse took Thumbelina back to her snug little home. Thumbelina went with him down a dark tunnel. In the middle of the tunnel lay a bird. Each night, Thumbelina brought him water and seeds from the field mouse's store. By springtime, when the sun warmed the earth, the swallow was well again. She climbed on his back. They flew high. At last, they came to a blue lake. A dazzling white palace stood on its sunny shore. The swallow set Thumbelina down in a large white flower. A tiny man stood in the flower. He asked "Will you stay with me and be queen of the flowers?" Thumbelina said yes.
This story is happy end. I was happy because thumbelina married prince.
Christian, H. (2008). Thumbelina. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(271 words)
Once, there was a woman who wanted a child. At last, she went to a fairy for help. The fairy gave her a magic seed. Then the seed grew into a beautiful red-gold flower. The petals of the flower began to open. Inside was a tiny girl. One night, alarge lumpy toad crept thorough the open window. She snatched Thumbelina as she slept. After that, a big brown beetle swooped down and grabbed her in his claws. The beetle dropped her in a field. For tiny Thumbelina, the field was like a forest. There she lived, all summer. Then winter came. A field mouse took Thumbelina back to her snug little home. Thumbelina went with him down a dark tunnel. In the middle of the tunnel lay a bird. Each night, Thumbelina brought him water and seeds from the field mouse's store. By springtime, when the sun warmed the earth, the swallow was well again. She climbed on his back. They flew high. At last, they came to a blue lake. A dazzling white palace stood on its sunny shore. The swallow set Thumbelina down in a large white flower. A tiny man stood in the flower. He asked "Will you stay with me and be queen of the flowers?" Thumbelina said yes.
This story is happy end. I was happy because thumbelina married prince.
Christian, H. (2008). Thumbelina. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(271 words)
How I study English
I think it is important to study English. I have studied English since I was a junior high school student. I like English but I am poor at speaking English. I think the best way to improve my English is to make friends with foreigner. I don't have a very large English vocabulary so I have to memorize English words. I am going to listen to music in English every day.
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Free writing:Cheesecake
There are many kind of cakes in Japan. For example, chocolate cake, strawberry shortcake, gelatin cheesecake and cheesecake. My favorite cake is cheesecake. My sister makes cheesecakes once in a while. It is easy for her to make cheesecakes. I have never made cheesecakes so I want to make it.
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chocolate cake
gelatin cheesecake
roll cake
pound cake
(14 words)
chocolate cake
gelatin cheesecake
roll cake
pound cake
(14 words)
I am happy because today is a payday. I spent a lot of money during Golden week. I am poorly paid because I work only once a week.
I have a close friend in the cram school. I went to UVERworld’s live concert with the friend. We talked about the live concert. We were too excited to sleep the night. We came to love them more. I had a long talk with her.
(73 words)
I have a close friend in the cram school. I went to UVERworld’s live concert with the friend. We talked about the live concert. We were too excited to sleep the night. We came to love them more. I had a long talk with her.
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BR 1-06:Stories Of DOGS
I read "stories of DOGS". There are 3 stories of dogs in the book. First,Sprite was on his way to a dog show at the local park. Nick who is a Sprite's owner is sure that they will win first prize. Nick put Sprite in an area with lots of other dogs when they arrived at the show. Sprite introduced himself. One judge found mud on Sprite's sore paw. His paw was too sore to run. "the cup's gone!" cried a judge when they were about to call the winner. Sprite suddenly found a man of dubious. Sprite grabbed the man's leg. Sprite won first prize for catching the thief.
Second, Titch wanted to be a top sheepdog like Bryn, his dad. One evening, Owen the shepherd took Titch and Bryn for a walk. Just then, a thick fog began to float around them. Owen and Bryn fall into a dark hole. Mr. Ellis was in the farmyard. Titch rushed up to him, barking loudly.Mr. Ellis went for help and Owen and Bryn were rescued from the hole.
Finally, Mr. Tike couldn't afford to repair his dog's home. So he was selling the creaking old building, along with his dogs. One day, two strangers arrived at Tike's. Two days latter, the new owners took over. "Hood and Wink are bank robbers" gasped Bob. The dogs chased the pair out of the home and down the road. Bob and the other hounds chased the crooks to the local police station.
I don't like dogs because I was bitten by a dog when I was a junior high school student. But I thought that dogs is wise.
Sims, L. (2007). stories of DOGS. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(281 words)
Second, Titch wanted to be a top sheepdog like Bryn, his dad. One evening, Owen the shepherd took Titch and Bryn for a walk. Just then, a thick fog began to float around them. Owen and Bryn fall into a dark hole. Mr. Ellis was in the farmyard. Titch rushed up to him, barking loudly.Mr. Ellis went for help and Owen and Bryn were rescued from the hole.
Finally, Mr. Tike couldn't afford to repair his dog's home. So he was selling the creaking old building, along with his dogs. One day, two strangers arrived at Tike's. Two days latter, the new owners took over. "Hood and Wink are bank robbers" gasped Bob. The dogs chased the pair out of the home and down the road. Bob and the other hounds chased the crooks to the local police station.
I don't like dogs because I was bitten by a dog when I was a junior high school student. But I thought that dogs is wise.
Sims, L. (2007). stories of DOGS. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(281 words)
live concert
I went to UVERworld’s live concert in Saga. I went out at 2:30. A lot of people have UVERworld’s goods when I arrived in Saga. It takes twenty minutes to walk from Saga station to the concert hall. We had plenty of time before the curtain rise so I bought UVERworld’s goods. For example, a tour pamphlet, a towel and Takuya’s photograph. It costs 5000 yen. It is expensive but I don’t regret.There are a lot of people. All of them are high school students. About 30 percentage of the population is boy. Two boys stand in the front row. I envied them.First, they sang “world LAST world”. They sang 24 songs. For example, D-tecnolize, shaka beach, GOLD, gekidou and kiminosukinauta. D-tecnolize is their first recording. This song is the theme song of bleach. I became to like them when I listened the song. Shaka beach is fit for summer. My gaze met Takuya when I listened the song. GOLD is the latest song. It sends up smoke when they were singing. My eyes were blinded by the glare. Gekidou is the theme song of D-gray man. This song is my favorite song. kiminosukinauta is ballade. I couldn’t help crying because the girl who was standing next to me was crying.Lastly, they sang “wanna be brilliant”. We promised we want to be brilliant until we will meet next time.They played one encore. The song is unknown orchestra. I was very happy because they seldom appear encore.They perform perfectly in tune with each other. He danced, beating time with their hands and jumped. It is very exciting. It is beyond my imagination. Takuya is very cool!!!Takuya said “There are a lot of celebrities in Saga. For example, Miyuki who is my mother!! Thank you for giving birth to Miyuki. And today is my father’s birthday eve. Today is special day. We sing in Saga for the first time. I love Saga!!”Shintaro said “I studied Saga. I listened Hanawa’s song before the live concert. And I went to a tourist information center but there are very few people. Today is children’s day so we will give children under 6 years of age a present.”There were 26 children under 6 years of age. I wanted the present.
Shintaro also said” I want to hug you.”
We shout ourselves hoarse. “Don’t go back, takuya!!!” we shout.
I came home at 11:30. I had a good time. I want to go again!!!
(415 words)
Shintaro also said” I want to hug you.”
We shout ourselves hoarse. “Don’t go back, takuya!!!” we shout.
I came home at 11:30. I had a good time. I want to go again!!!
(415 words)
Food/eating habits
My mother always makes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every morning I eat rice, miso soup and an omelet. I like to eat rice in the morning. Sometimes I eat bread in the morning. I usually eat dinner at 9 so I eat snacks. I eat too much between meals. My favorite food is chocolate cake. I ate a chocolate cake with my friend on March 8. The day is my birthday. I want to eat it again.
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traffic jam
I went to my brother’s house. He lives in north of Kyushu. I was very tired because we were caught in a traffic jam. It takes 3 hours. I went shopping with my sister. I want to a cloth but I didn’t find a good cloth. My sister bought a T-shirt.
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This mascot is “Tamanyan”. It is a Tamana’s mascot. I belonged art club when I was a high school student. At that time we drew the music festival poster. My friend’s poster was chose. The character became a Tamana’s mascot. Hokuryou high school students made the mascot. There is the home economics department in Hokuryou high school. The mascot is taller than I. It was beyond my imagination. My friend gave an interview.
(73 words)

I went to Ueki early in the morning to meet my friend. She lent me binoculars. A lot of people got off a train in Tabaruzaka because today is walk rally.
Next, I enjoyed BBQ with my fellow worker in Kusamakura spa. I have been there once. I went there to learn Natsume Souseki when I was a high school student. Kusamakura is on the top of a mountain so it is beautiful scenery. I ate a lot of meat and vegetable. All of them graduated from Tamana high school.
After that, I went to the sea several people. There were a lot of people who was gathering selfish at low tide. We talked a lot of things. We watched the setting sun. It was very beautiful. We were playing in the sand. We traced some characters on the sand but it is disappear by the wave. I had a good time!!!But today’s dinner was also barbecue. I don’t have a barbecue for the time being.
Next, I enjoyed BBQ with my fellow worker in Kusamakura spa. I have been there once. I went there to learn Natsume Souseki when I was a high school student. Kusamakura is on the top of a mountain so it is beautiful scenery. I ate a lot of meat and vegetable. All of them graduated from Tamana high school.
After that, I went to the sea several people. There were a lot of people who was gathering selfish at low tide. We talked a lot of things. We watched the setting sun. It was very beautiful. We were playing in the sand. We traced some characters on the sand but it is disappear by the wave. I had a good time!!!But today’s dinner was also barbecue. I don’t have a barbecue for the time being.
(167 words)
part time job
I came home just now. I was working in a cram school about three hours. I earn 3400 yen three hours. I work hard in expectation of a reward. I work in the cram once a week. I teach English, math and science to third year junior high school students. They are obedient students. I am poor at science so please teach me science!!!I am going to have a barbecue tomorrow.
(72 words)
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Nodame cantabile
I went to a movie in cineplex kumamoto with my friends. We watched Nodame cantabile. There were a lot of people because today is Golden week. It is 1000 yen because today is first day. It is very interesting. After that, we went to thirty one ice cream. I ate a small double cone. It is 31 percent off. Strawberry ice cream is very good. I want to eat it again. Please try it.
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