
BR 2-09: King Donkey Ears

I read “King Donkey Ears”. I want to this book because the illustration is very cute. This story is about a King. He has donkey’s ears. No one knew except the servant who cut his hair. So he sent the servant to prison. One day, Meg saw the king’s ears. She promises that she will not tell anyone. But she wants to tell, so she tells a tree. Then a woodcutter chopped down the tree. The tree became a harp. One day, a huge concert was held. But the new harp played a very strange tune. “The king’s got donkey’s ears”. The king roared at Meg, but his best friend told him that it was not a secret, and they all knew. Then he freed all the servants, and he loves his ears.

He didn’t like his ears, but I think it is very cute. His donkey’s ears look like rabbit. He thought that donkey’s ears are his weak point, but he became to like his ears. I also want to become to like my weak point. I have a lot of shortcomings. I think that most of the people know this story. This story is famous in Japan. The most famous one’s lines is “the king’s got donkey’s ears.” I like it very much. I often said it when I was a child. I read this story in English for the first time. This story is very interesting. Please read it if you had a time.

Sims, L. (2009). King Donkey Ears. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.

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