I read “frogs”. This book is explained frogs. I don’t like frogs because they are very revolting. The worst animal is frogs. I have not liked frogs since I was a child. I often see frogs in the rainy season. So I don’t like the season. But I like the tadpoles. They start to change soon. First they grow back legs. Then they grow front legs. Their long tails shrink. Frogs are the amphibians. They can swim fast in the water, moreover hop around on land. I can understand frogs in the book. For example, all frogs need water to stay alive, but they don’t drink the water. Each week, they change their skin. The largest frog is as big as a cat. I was surprised at it. We often hear their singing. The male frogs sing to the females. After singing, the male and female frogs get into pairs. Then the female lays eggs in the water. I can find out more about frogs. I am not interested in frogs but it is easy for me to read the book. If you want to know frogs, please read it.
Courtauld , S. (2007). frogs. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd., Usborne House.
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