
BR 1-12: The Emperor's New Clothes

I read "The Emperor's New Clothes" Once upon a time there was an emperor who loved clothes. The emperor had a problem. The royal procession was in two weeks' time, and he had nothing to wear. there was Boris who had to take care of all the emperor's clothes. Boris spent all day looking for an incredible outfit. Two strangers rushed up to him. "We're the finest clothes makers int the world", they said. When they arrived at the palace, the strangers pushed past the palace footmen and burst into the emperor's room. They said "We make magical clothes! Our clothes can only be seen by clever people." The emperor had them to make the clothes. Word quickly spread through the kingdom that the emperor had ordered some amazing and mysterious new clothes. And the emperor couldn't wait a moment longer to see them. But everyone couldn't see the magic material. On the morning of the royal procession, the emperor went to put on his new clothes. They said"Oh it fits so well" "Then open the palace doors. Let the royal procession begin." said the emperor. The crowd gasped as the emperor emerged. Everyone had heard that only clever people could see his clothes. He thought these are my most successful clothes ever. "Let me see him" cried a small child, who was stuck at the back of the crowd. The child was lifted up on his father's shoulders. "The emperor's got nothing on!" said the child. Everyone around the child fell silent and looked at the emperor again. Soon the whole crowd was chanting. "The emperor's got no clothes on!" The emperor heard their words and shivered. As for the crowds - they were enjoying the best procession ever. Of course Boris wasn't having such a good day. At least one thing turned out as he wanted. People will talk about the emperor for years to come.
this illustration is cute. If I were the emperor, I could notice it. He is so stupid but I like him all the better for his faults.

Sims, L. (2007). The Emperor's New Clothes. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(354 words)

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