I read "The Peach Boy" This story is about an old woman, an old man, an enormous peach, a brave little boy, a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant. Once upon a time, an old man and an old woman lived by a river. Every Monday, the old woman went to the river to wash their clothes. One morning, she saw the biggest peach floating on the river. She fished out the peach and rolled it home. And the old man started to cut it open.Inside, there was a little boy. Peach boy grew up quickly. He was a champion fighter with his wooden sword. One day, Peach Boy came to a nearby village. The people in the village were very upset. They cried, "Giant ogres came and took al our jewels." Peach Boy said "I'll get them back." His father gave Peach Boy his finest sword and his mother gave him six dumplings to eat on the way. At last, Peach Boy set off for Ogre Island. He met a dog and the dog said "Give me a dumpling and I'll help you fight the ogres." He threw dog a dumpling. Next, he gave a monkey and a pheasant dumplings. They landed on Ogre Island. They defeated the Ogre King. He promised we'll never attack anyone again. He gave Peach Boy back the stolen jewels and the four friends went home.
I read the book in Japanese when I was a child. Peach Boy is very strong. I was happy because they could get back the stolen jewels. The story is interesting so please read it.
Frith, A. (2009). The Peach Boy. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd .
(277 words)
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