
BR 1-15: The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs

I read "The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs" This story is about Tom, Elena, a little white goose, a goat, some hens and goldsmith. Tom lived in a small cottage with his wife Elena. They were very poor but they had everything they needed. Every morning, Tom collected the eggs. He took them to sell in the village. One morning he found something strange. One of the eggs was dark yellow and very heavy. It was a solid golden egg. He went to see the goldsmith. The goldsmith was amazed. He wanted to buy the egg. Tom had never seen so much money. He bought a new dress for Elena. That evening, Tom gave Elena her new dress. She wasn't happy. Maybe he should have saved the money. But it was too late. He had spent all of it. The next morning, he found another golden egg. And the next morning he found another. Every day Tom sold a golden egg. Tom and Elena were rich.But Tom wanted more. One golden egg a day wasn't enough. He wanted lots of gold. Elena thinks that the little white goose must be full of gold. "Let's kill the goose, then we'll have all the gold at once." said Elena. They killed the goose. Then they cut the goose open. But there was no gold inside at all.They had been too greedy. Now they had lost everything. He never found another golden egg.
This story says that don't be greedy or you might lose everything. I want to be a rich too. If I got the gold egg, I could buy my house too. But I thought they are cruel to kill the goose. We should not kill the animal.

Mackinnon, M. (2006). The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
(299 words)

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