
Today I went to youme town in hikari no mori with Seiko and Saori. We were the same junior high school, and we have been friends since then. It has been a long time since I saw them last.
In the morning, Seiko pick me up at my home and went to the station. We went to youme town by train. We ate lunch as soon as we arrived. We ate an omelet containing fried rice. It was very good. It was put cheese and demiglace sauce. I like it very much.
Then we watched a movie. We bothered which movie we should watch. There are a lot of movies which we want to watch such as SP, Umizaru, Raiou, Gandam and so on. SP is shown for the first time today, so there are a lot of people. We decided to watch “inshitemiru ~death game for seven days~”. Do you know the movie? I will tell you about this story. The hero of the movie is Tatsuya Hujiwara. He found a part time job, but the job is paid 11 thousand yen an hour. He thought that it was strange. But he applied for the part time job. The applicants are 10 people. They doubt each other, and they kill each other. I thought it is important to believe each other. This movie is a little scary.
After we watched the movie, we enjoyed shopping. And we ate crepe. There are brownies in the crepe. During we ate the crepe we talked about junior high school memory.
I came back Nagasu at 6:00. After that we went to Seiko’s house. We watched DVD in her house. The DVD is live concert of EXILE in 2008 and 2009. Their live concert is very interesting. I watched their DVD for the first time. My friends are very excited because they are EXILE’s fun. They looked so happy.
Then we went to Kousen dago to eat okonomiyaki. We went to there with Seiko’s parents. The okonomiyaki is very good. Her parents treated me to the okonomiyaki. I was very happy. Her parents are very kind. I want to stay with her home again. I had a good time.

[366 words]


October 28th

I have five straight holidays from yesterday. I went to downtown with Sayaka to donate blood. At first, we gathered in Daiei at 1:00. When I arrived in front of Daiei, a man gave me a pocket tissue and talked to me. He is very friendly, so I talked with him in a few minutes. I had a good time because he is an interesting man. He also gave me a candy. I had a big appetite yesterday, so I ate a lot of things. First, I went to donate blood. I have never donated blood, so I want to donate blood. But I can’t donate blood because the specific gravity of hemoglobin is low. So I ate a lot of snacks during Sayaka donated blood. There are a lot of snacks in the room. I ate and drink a lot. I ate cookies and rice crackers, and I drank cocoa and tea. I had too much. Next, we went to MacDonald and ate fried potato. Now all size of fried potato is 150 yen. It is cheap, isn’t it? I like potato so I ordered large size of fried potato. At last, we ate tomato pasta. I didn’t think that I ate dinner. But I was hungry and I couldn’t stop appetite. The tomato pasta is 390 yen. It is cheap and delicious. But the pasta of calories is higher than I had expected. I wanted to eat crepe after the dinner, but I had patience. It is important for me to have patience with appetite. I regret that I eat too much yesterday. There are a lot of appetizing cakes in the shop. I want to eat the cakes if I go again. I think that I can’t stop appetite in autumn.

[298 words]


My favorite TV/movie star

My favorite TV star is Takeru Satou. I like him very much. Do you know him? I will tell you about him. He is older than I by a year. He is very cool. He often appears on TV. For example, Q10, ROOKIES, bloody Monday, Ryoumaden and so on. Recently he appears a movie which is BECK. I want to see the movie, but I couldn't see it. Because I was very busy. If I were free, I could go to see it. Also, he appears on a lot of CMs and dramas. Now he appears Q10. The drama starts on Saturday at 9 o’clock. I have a part time job at that time, so I can't watch the TV. I want to watch the TV when I am free.

[133 words]


BR 2-05: The Nutcracker

I read "The Nutcracker" Do you know a nutcracker? A nutcracker is a tool for cracking nutshells. Nuts were a special Christmas treat when this story was written. This story is about Clara's adventure. It begins on Christmas Eve with an amazing present. It is a magic doll. Her adventure is very interesting. She went to a lot of place where she had never been to. For example, it is an incredible castle. And she met fairy. The story was very interesting.

When I was an elementary schoolchild, my parents gave me some present in Christmas. I couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve because I was looking forward to getting Christmas present. The most favorite Christmas present is a teddy bear. My parents gave me it on Christmas. I was very happy because I had wanted it for a long time. The teddy bear is brown and very cute. I liked it very much. But the teddy bear was thrown away when I was a high school student. It was very dirty, so my mother threw away. I was very sad. I had used it for 12 years. Now I fondle another stuffed animal. Christmas is just around the corner. But I have to work as a part time job in this Christmas. Also, last Christmas I had a part time job. I want to return childhood.

Emma, H. (2006). The Nutcracker. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.

[236 words]


Essay 2-02a: My Language Learning Experience

I have ever learned some language. For example, English, German language and Vietnamese. It is difficult for me to learn language. But I want to talk with a lot of foreigners, so I learn language. I will tell you about my language learning experience.

First, I will tell you about my English learning experience. I have learned English since I was a junior high school student. I am an English major in college now. I didn’t like English when I was junior high school student. Because it is difficult for me to learn English grammar. I didn’t know how to study English. So I went to ECC junior. The cram was very interesting. I can learn English pleasantly. I enjoyed listening to English songs and playing games. I learned English little by little and I became to like English. Also, I would often talk with ALT when I was a high school student. Because I am not good at speaking English. I could know English culture. I am interested in English culture so I had a good time. I was happy because I am an English major now. English get more and more difficult. It is hard to learn English but I will do my best. I want to take Eiken and TOEIC. I love English.

Next, I will tell you about my German language learning experience. In university, I took German language. At first, it is difficult for me to learn German language. Because there are a lot of words and grammar. I had to memorize a lot of things. But I became to be able to write and speak German language a little. Now I think that I want to learn German language more.

Finally, I will tell you about my Vietnamese. I learned Vietnamese when I was a high school student. I have a friend who is from Vietnam. She came to Japan when she was a junior high school student. So she can speak Vietnamese. She taught me Vietnamese after school. It is difficult for me to pronounce Vietnamese. The pronunciation is very different from Japanese pronunciation so I couldn’t pronounce Vietnamese. I gave up learning Vietnamese halfway. Now I don’t remember Vietnamese at all. If I have an opportunity to learn Vietnamese, I want to learn Vietnamese again.

As you can see, there are a lot of chances to learn language. It is important for me to learn language. I want to communicate between people of different cultures. Language learning experience is very useful. So I want to learn other languages.

[426 words]


My favorite car

My favorite car is my mother's car. I got the driver license in this summer vacation. I like driving the car. I can drive only the car because I only take out the insurance policy the car. I drive the car twice for a week. The color is silver and it is small. I feel comfortable in the car. Whenever I drive the car, I listen to music. The song is UVERworld. I am very happy so I like the car. I can drive my mother's car easier than the driving school's car. It is difficult for me to drive the driving school's car. Because the car is old. I want to drive a lot. I love my mother's car.
[125 words]

Outline post: language learning experience

language learning experience

  • English
    • junior high school
    • ECC junior
      • speaking
    • high school
      • eiken
      • business English
    • college
      • TOEIC
  • Japanese
    • kindergarten
    • elementary school
    • junior high school
      • kanji kentei
    • high school
  • German language
    • college
  • Vietnamese
    • high school

[34 words]

Mind map post: language learning experience

This is my mind map. It is about my language learning experience. please look at.
[15 words]

language learning experience

I have studied English since I was a junior high school student. I think it is important to study English. I would often talk with teacher in English. It is difficult for me to talk in English. I am not good at talking English so it is very useful.

[49 words]


BR 2-04: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

I read "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" I will tell you about this story. There was a country mouse whose name was Pipin. One day his cousin came to the Pipin's house. His name is Toby and he lives in the town. They go to the town. But Pipin came home soon because he can't put up with the country life. He can relax in the country.

I like the country too. I live in Nagasu and my house is surrounded by the field. I didn't like the town and I wanted to go city when I was a child. I was attracted by big cities. I wanted to live by myself. But I like the town very much. Because I can breathe fresh air. I can relax in Nagasu. I understand Pipin’s mind. If I were him, I also think that I want to come back in the country. This story is interesting so please read it.


Davidson, S. (2007). The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.

[176 words]


My favorite clothing

My favorite clothing is a dress. I like it so I often buy it when I go shopping. Recently I bought a dress in youme town. It is very cute and I like it. I have a lot of dresses. I like the dress with flower pattern the best. When I went to Tokyo on a school trip, I bought the dress with flower pattern. It is hard for me to buy the expensive cloth. Tokyo is an expensive city. The dress is the most expensive in my clothing. I like it very much. I was very happy because I could buy the cloth. I want to go to Tokyo again. If I went to there, I could buy a lot of clothes.

[123 words]


october 11th

Today is the last day of three straight holidays. I went to Omuta with Chiaki, Misaki and Natsumi. We gather in front of the station, and then we went to sushirou. We can eat sushi only 100 yen. It is cheap and delicious. We ate many kind of sushi. I love sushi. My favorite sushi is salmon. Attar that, we went to best denki. We watched 3D TV. We enjoyed window shopping. Next, we went to mister doughnut. The store is having sale. All doughnuts are only 100 yen. I was happy. We are free to do as we like for about 2 hours in youme town. At last, we went to book store to buy CDs. we read magazines and comic books for a long time. I had a good time but I had a part time job. So I have to come home early. I want to talk with them. I enjoyed three straight holidays.
[157 words]


October 9th and 10th

It was a payday on October 9th. I went to Tamana to get a salary in the morning. I went there by car by myself for the first time. I can’t back my car so it is difficult for me to park the car. To make matters worse, there are a lot of cars in the parking. I did my best. I felt quite relieved because I didn’t bump my car into other cars. After we made arrangement, I get a salary. My salary has gone up a little.
I went to part time job from 19:00. I worked for 3 hours. After I finished the work, I went drinking with fellow. I went to Naru which is in Tamana and it is a bar. We started drinking from 23:00. I enjoyed drinking, eating and talking a lot for about 3 hours. I can’t drink alcohol because I went there by bike. I want to drink it but I endure. I didn’t drink liquor so I ate too much. For example, grilled chicken, Ebichiri, Okonomiyaki, Ebihurai, Ebimayo and Sashimi. There are a lot of delicious foods. The most delicious food is Ebimayo. It is very good but I had four meals the day. I regret what I did. Eating too much is bad for me. I have to exercise. We can drink all we want for three thousand yen there. But a vice president paid a lot, so its cost became two thousand yen. After that, we went to a continuation of a party at another place. We went to Tsukasa to play boring at 2:30. Everyone play boring well. I am not good at boring. I was the lowest rank in the member. I want to practice boring. However I enjoyed boring. By the way, I met Koushi who is my high school friend. He works there as a part time job. I talked him and he looked so sleepy. Tsukasa was closed at 3:00 but we enjoyed boring at 3:30. We gave trouble for him. He said “I am so sleepy. I have to work overtime today. I am tired” I want to apologize to him for make trouble when I meet him again. Then we went to seven eleven to buy ice cream. Ms. Ikuta bought pino for me. Its taste is sweet potato. I ate it for the first time. It is very good. Thank you. I came home by bike at 4:30. I was very tired but I enjoyed it. I want to drink liquor next time. I went to bed at 5:00. A newspaper delivery person came to my house when I went to bed.
The next day, I went to youme town in Hikari no mori. I got up at ten in the morning. I slept only 5 hours. I was sleepy but I want to go youme town. I went there with my mother by my driving. I drive the car for about 1 hour and a half. I drive the car a long distance for the first time. I like driving but I can’t park. I want to be good at parking. I enjoyed shopping because yesterday was a payday. I had a good time.

[534 words]


the inner palace

I went to cineplex kumamoto on foot with Asaki and Satoko. I went there to watch movie after third period. There are a lot of people in the movie theater. Because today is ladies day. We can watch the movie only 1000 yen. It is cheap. We watched “the inner palace”. Do you know the inner palace? The main cast is ninomiya kazunari and sibasaki kou. I tell you about the story. A plague was prevalent so population of man decreased. The situation of man and woman reverse in the Edo period. Ninomiya kazunari decided to service the shogun. As soon as he went to the inner palace, the seventh shogun died. So Kou sibasaki became a shogun. The movie was interesting. I watched movie after a long time. There are a lot of movies which I want to watch. For example, kimini todoke, umizaru and so on. I was happy because I can watch “the inner palace” I want to go to the movie theater to watch other movies. I also like the theme song of a movie. The song is Dear snow. Arashi sing the song. I like Arash because their songs make me happy. Please listen to the song and watch the movie.

[206 words]

My favorite season

My favorite season is spring. I like spring because spring is very comfortable for me. I can't put up with cold and hot so I don't like summer and winter. I think that spring is the best season. I can refresh in spring because a new school term starts in spring. Also, I can see cherry blossom. I like cherry blossom because it is very beautiful. I often go to see cherry blossoms with my friends in spring. It is very interesting for me to see cherry blossoms and eat some food. This spring I went to Kumamoto castle to see cherry blossoms with my friends. It was so beautiful. I want to see it next spring. Also, spring is my birthday. My birthday is march 8th. I like my birthday because I can eat cakes. So I like spring the best.

[144 words]

Essay 2-01b: Relax Place

My favorite place is my home. I live in Nagasu which is in the north of Kumamoto. Nagasu is famous for goldfish and near the sea. I had goldfish when I was a junior high school student. But I don't have any pet now so I want to have pets in the future. My house is near the sea so I can breathe fresh air. I can relax when I come home. I will tell you about my home.

First, I tell you about my room. There are a lot of my favorite things in my room. For example: my bed, magazines, comic books, CDs, stuffed animals, and so on. The most favorite thing is a stuffed animal. My friend gave me a teddy bear on my birthday. I like it very much because it is cute and soft to touch.

And I use this room with my sister who is a high school student. I moved this home when I was a high school student. I have used my room for 4 years. To use the room with my sister has advantages. For example, I don’t like cleaning my room so my sister always cleans the room. It is very comfortable so I thank her very much. I also enjoy talking a lot with my sister so I don’t feel lonely. We often talk about a lot of things before we go to bed.

Second I like garden. My mother likes flowers so there are a lot of flowers and vegetables in the garden. For example, a chine citron tree, eggplants, watermelons, sunflowers, cucumbers, tulips and so on. I ate the watermelon which my parents grew last summer. It was very delicious, so I want to eat again. The garden is also very beautiful. I am happy when I see the flowers are in bloom. This year, the chine citron tree bear fruit for the first time. We have grown the free for 3 years. I want to eat them soon.

Third is the kitchen because there are new consumer electronics. Recently a refrigerator and oven broke down so we bought them. I want to bake a cake in the new oven, but I am not good at cooking. I practice cooking now because I want to live by myself in the future. I sometime cook with my mother. She teaches cooking me. Her dishes are very delicious. I want to make them like her. I can make curry rice and so on now. I want to be able to make various dishes someday.

As you can see, I like my home. Whenever I am free, I stay home. I can relax and enjoy myself a home when I am tired. My home makes me happy because there are a lot of comfortable things. I love my home, so I chose it.

[481 words]


BR 2-03: The Wish Fish

I read "The Wish Fish" This story is about Bob, Bet and fish. They like fish and Bob fishes every day. One day he catches a magic fish. The fish gave them wishes but Bob and Bet are too greedy. So they live a simple life now.

I like fish too because it is delicious. I would often go fishing when I was a child. My father took me to go fishing in the early morning. I was so sleepy and I am not at fishing. It is difficult for me to fish. However I was happy when I catch the fish. I enjoyed fishing but I can't touch a live fish. The live fish are slimy and unpleasant. I dissected the fish when I was a junior high school student. I was so tired. But I like eating the fish.

Lesley , S. (2007). The Wish Fish. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
[153 words]


Essay 2-01a: Relax Place

My favorite place is my home. I live in Nagasu which is in the north of Kumamoto. My house is near the sea so I can breathe in fresh air. I can relax when I came home. There are 3 favorite places in my home. I will tell you about my home.

First, I tell you about my room. There are a lot of my favorite things in my room. For example, my bed, magazines, comic books, CDs, stuffed animals and so on. The most favorite thing is a stuffed animal. My friend gave me the stuffed animal on my birthday. I like it very much because it is cute and soft to touch. And I use this room with my sister who is a high school student. I moved this home when I was a high school student. I have used my room for 4 years. To use the room with my sister has advantages. For example, I don’t like cleaning my room so my sister always cleans the room. It is very comfortable so I thank her very much. Also, I enjoy talking a lot with my sister so I don’t feel lonely. We often talk about a lot of things before we go to bed.

Second I like garden. My mother likes flowers so there are a lot of flowers and vegetables in the garden. For example, a chine citron tree, eggplants, watermelons, sunflowers, cucumbers, tulips and so on. It is very beautiful. I am happy when I see the flowers are in bloom. This year, the chine citron tree bear fruit for the first time. We have grown the free for 3 years. I want to eat them soon.

Third is the kitchen because there are new consumer electronics. Recently a refrigerator and an oven broke down so we bought them. I want to bake a cake in the new oven. But I am not good at cooking. I practice cooking now because I want to live by myself in the future. I sometime cook with my mother. She teaches cooking to me. Her dish is very delicious. I want to make it like her.

As you can see I like my home. Whenever I am free, I stay home. I can relax and enjoy in my home when I was tired. My home makes me happy because there are a lot of comfortable things. I love my home so I chose it.

[407 words]


BR 2-02: The The Sorcerer's Apprentice

I read "The SORCERER'S APPRENTLCE". The hero of the story is Max who is a sorcerer's pupil. One day he left alone in the castle. He tried out some magic but he can't stop it. He was in big trouble. From that day, he was a good pupil.

I read this book because the illustration is very cute. I thought I want to try some magic too. If we used some magic, we could work easily. But we should study hard like him to improve our skill. I study hard to improve my English in this university. Max became a good sorcerer when he grew up. I want to be an English teacher in the future. So I take a teacher training course. It is difficult for me to take the class. But I will do my best to be an English teacher.

Dickins, R. (2007). The Monkey King. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.

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